An Introduction to Advanced Quantum Physics

الموضوع في 'قسم الفيزياء' بواسطة albertnammas, بتاريخ ‏سبتمبر 17, 2010.

  1. albertnammas

    albertnammas مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يناير 25, 2009
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    أستاذ جامعي/ دكتوراة
    مكان الإقامة:
    فلسطين - سيرين -


    Author(s): Hans Paar
    Wiley/ 2010 / 224 pages/ PDF/ ISBN-10:0470686766

    An Introduction to Advanced Quantum Physics presents important concepts from classical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, statistical physics, and quantum physics brought together to discuss the interaction of radiation and matter, selection rules, symmetries and conservation laws, scattering, relativistic quantum mechanics, apparent paradoxes, elementary quantum field theory, electromagnetic and weak interactions, and much more.

    This book consists of two parts:
    Part 1 comprises the material suitable for a second course in quantum physics and covers
    Electromagnetic Radiation and Matter
    Symmetries and Conservation Laws
    Relativistic Quantum Physics
    Special Topics
    Part 2 presents elementary quantum field theory and discusses
    Second Quantization of Spin 1/2 and Spin 1 Fields
    Covariant Perturbation Theory and Applications
    Quantum Electrodynamics

    Each chapter concludes with problems to challenge the students’ understanding of the material.

    This text is intended for graduate and ambitious undergraduate students in physics, material sciences, and related disciplines.


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