اريد كتب عن الخميرة والفطريات

الموضوع في 'قسم الأحياء' بواسطة yoia, بتاريخ ‏يناير 28, 2009.

  1. yoia

    yoia Active Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يناير 19, 2009
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    بكالوريوس علوم - قسم نبات - 2005
    مكان الإقامة:
    مصر ام الدنيا

    اريد كتاب عن الخميرة من حيث تعريفها وتركيبها ومميزاتها وكذلك افرازها للهرمونات النباتية مثل ال Indole acetic acid و ال Gibberelin ودورها فى عملية ال biocontrol فى النبات وايضا اريد كتاب عن الفطريات يشمل التعريف و التصنيف والتركيب والمميزات
  2. ouiam

    ouiam مشرف منتدى الأحياء

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏نوفمبر 26, 2007
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    Biology of Yeast Cells - Simplified

    Yeast are a tiny form of fungi or plant-like microorganism (visible only under a microscope) that exist in or on all living matter i.e. water, soil, plants, air, etc. A common example of a yeast is the bloom we can observe on grapes. As a living organism yeast needs sugars, water and warmth to stay alive. In addition, albumen or nitrogenous material are also necessary for yeast to thrive.

    There are hundreds of different species of yeast identified in nature, but the genus and species most commonly used for baking is Saccharomyces cereviae. The scientific name Saccharomyces cerevisiae, means 'a mold which ferments the sugar in cereal (saccharo-mucus cerevisiae) to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide'. The ultimate reaction of importance in this process is the conversion of simple sugars to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. A more thorough set of conversion reactions is provided later.
    Simple Sugar Ethyl Alcohol + Carbon Dioxide
    C6 H12 O6 2C H3 CH2 OH + 2CO2
    Examining a yeast cell under a microscope will give a greater understanding of the composition and nature of yeast. The method for viewing a sample of yeast under a microscope is to disperse a small amount of yeast in water, causing the water to be slightly clouded, and then drop a spot of the liquid onto a glass slide. The drop is then covered and viewed with a 650 x magnification. The individual cells will take the general form illustrated in Figure 1.

    When viewed under the microscope, one sees round or oval cells about 1/100 of a millimeter in diameter, which weigh about 8 to 10 billion to the gram. (Calvel et al) If individual yeast cells were placed side by side it would take approximately 1200 cells to measure 1cm in length. Inside each cell are the following:

    • A liquid solution of protoplasm, protein, fat and mineral matter.

    • One or more dark patches called vacuoles.

    • A darker spot which is the nucleus. This is where the cell's genetic information is stored as DNA which controls all the operations of the cell.
    A yeast cell has 6000 different yeast genes. Like any living thing, yeast is made up of chromosomes;
    there are 16 different chromosomes i[​IMG]n yeast compared with 23 in humans.

    The double cell wall may have bud scars (seen in Figure 1 to the right), which are caused by budding, i.e. the cell reproducing itself. There can be up to ten such scars, which cover the cell totally, after which the cell expires.

    This happens (generally speaking) as follows:

    Compared with other plant organisms, yeast has a much better chance of survival in spite of harsh environmental conditions. It is independent from climate and soil conditions. It is not dependent on any location and can survive for hundreds of years as a spore.

    Under favorable living conditions, yeast multiplies through the separation of cells (budding) or yeast multiplication. Under unfavorable living conditions, when water and nutrients are lacking, the yeast forms spores.
    Cell Separation (Budding)
    The cell core migrates to the cell wall of the yeast cell. It splits up and forms a daughter cell. The daughter cell multiplies in the same way while it is still growing and tied to the mother cell. A colony develops. Later, the daughter cell separates from the mother cell. The multiplication process continues for as long as the conditions for multiplication are present. This is depicted in Figure 2. As can be seen, a parent cell grows a protuberance, this swells as the bud forms, a neck develops between the parent cell and the bud, and they separate. The process starts again and, in ideal conditions, a cell can reproduce itself in 20 minutes so that numbers increase from one to two, then to four, to eight, to 16, and so on. If the numbers are plotted on a graph, the line would take an exponential form.
    Spores form once the nutrients of a solution are used up. The yeast becomes dormant and feeds on its reserve material. When the nutrient solution and the yeast cells dry out, the cell core separates and forms spores. The spores are insensitive to heat and cold. The slightest breeze carries them anywhere. Under dry conditions, the spores can live forever. When spores fall into a nutrient solution, they germinate into yeast cells. Each yeast cell can give rise to four spores.​
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  3. ouiam

    ouiam مشرف منتدى الأحياء

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏نوفمبر 26, 2007
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    please see here

    • - Notes from a seminar given by Stephen G. Saupe on the ability some fungi have to revive after dessication, leading to the conclusion that life is nothing more, nothing less than the arrangement of certain molecules
    • - Searchable taxonomic databases of the fungi.
    • - Photographic introduction to fungi including photomicrographs of gills, pores and ascopores.
    • - Article on these fungi which which only reproduce asexually and can be found and cultured from such unexpected places as coins and bank notes.
    • - Article by Paul F Hamlyn on identifying fungi, making spore prints and examining spores under the microscope, with photographic images.
    • - Checklists, images, and identification guides for fungi.
    • - Information on the research network Forum Fungorum and various research projects on chanterelles, matsutake and truffles. Swedish and English.
    • - Fungi affect all aspects of life. Here are some of the things not commonly known about them.
    • - Introduction to the world of fungi for both amateurs and experts. Includes over 800 photographs.
    • - Photographs and description of thousands species of macrofungi growing in Poland and Central Europe. Includes a determination key. In English and Polish.
    • - Provides an introduction to the biology of fungi for students or anyone with an interest in this Kingdom.
    • - Light hearted look at the many uses fungi are put to in everyday life.
    • - An introduction to the Fungus Kingdom with photographs of several species and further fungal facts.
    • - An illustrated article from Wikipedia on this Kingdom which covers organisms as diverse as mushrooms, bakers yeast, wood decay fungi and penicillium.
    • - The official site for this event with up to date information and pictures of common, edible, or interesting mushrooms of Girdwood Alaska.

  4. yoia

    yoia Active Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يناير 19, 2009
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    بكالوريوس علوم - قسم نبات - 2005
    مكان الإقامة:
    مصر ام الدنيا

    شكرا على هذه المقالات و على مجهودك ولكن انا اريد كتب حديثه
  5. ouiam

    ouiam مشرف منتدى الأحياء

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏نوفمبر 26, 2007
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    Plant Pathology, Fifth Edition

    George N. Agrios, «Plant Pathology, Fifth Edition»
    Academic Press | ISBN: 0120445654 | 5 edition (December 27, 2004) | 952 pages | PDF | 142 Mb

    This fifth edition of the classic textbook in plant pathology outlines how to recognize, treat, and prevent plant diseases. It provides extensice coverage of abiotic, fungal, viral, bacterial,nematode and other plant diseases and their associated epidemiology. It also covers the genetics of resistance and modern management on plant disease.

    Plant Pathology, 5th Edition, is the most comprehensive resource and textbook that professionals, faculty and students can consult for well-organized, essential information. This thoroughly revised edition is 45% larger, covering new discoveries and developments in plant pathology and enhanced by hundreds of new color photographs and illustrations.

    * The latest information on molecular techniques and biological control in plant diseases
    * Comprehensive in coverage
    * Numerous excellent diagrams and photographs
    * A large variety of disease examples for instructors to choose for their course
    Thanks to the original uploader!


    أرجو أن ينفعك هذا الكتاب فهو يجمع تقريبا كل ما طلبت

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  6. ouiam

    ouiam مشرف منتدى الأحياء

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏نوفمبر 26, 2007
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  7. ouiam

    ouiam مشرف منتدى الأحياء

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏نوفمبر 26, 2007
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases
    2nd edition B.M. Cooke

    B.M. Cooke (Editor), et al, «The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases» (2nd edition)
    Springer | ISBN 1402045808 | 2006 Year | PDF | 6,46 Mb | 576 Pages

    Plant disease epidemiology is a dynamic science that forms an essential part of the study of plant pathology. This book brings together a team of 35 international experts. Each chapter deals with an essential component of the subject and allows the reader to fully understand how each exerts its influence on the progress of pathogen populations in plant populations over a defined time scale. Since the first edition of the text was published in 1998, many new developments have occurred in the subjects covered, particularly molecular diagnostics, modelling, fungicide resistance and information technology. The second edition of the book is a comprehensive text on all aspects of plant disease epidemiology that should serve as an invaluable reference work for those involved in this fascinating science of crop plants.

  8. ouiam

    ouiam مشرف منتدى الأحياء

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏نوفمبر 26, 2007
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    The Yeast Handbook

    هذا الكتاب مفيد إن شاء الله


    1 Yeast Biodiversity: How Many and How Much?, Marc-André Lachance
    2 Yeast Systematics and Phylogeny € Implications of Molecular Identification Methods for Studies in Ecology, Cletus P. Kurtzman and Jack W. Fell
    3 Yeast Biodiversity and Culture Collections, Vincent Robert, Joost Stalpers, Teun Boekhout and Shu-hui Tan
    4 Genomics and Biodiversity in Yeasts, M. Bolotin-Fukuhara
    5 Methods for Investigating Yeast Biodiversity, K. Boundy-Mills
    6 Sugar Metabolism in Yeasts: an Overview of Aerobic and Anaerobic Glucose Catabolism, Fernando Rodrigues, Paula Ludovico and Cecília Leao
    7 Diversity of Nitrogen Metabolism Among Yeast Species: Regulatory and Evolutionary Aspects, Francine Messenguy, Bruno André and Evelyne Dubois
    8 Environmental Factors Influencing Yeasts, Tibor Deak
    9 Yeast Responses to Stresses, An Tanghe, Bernard Prior and Johan M. Thevelein
    10 Antagonistic Interactions Among Yeasts, W.I. Golubev
    11 Yeasts in Soil, Alfred Botha
    12 Yeast Biodiversity in Freshwater, Marine and Deep-Sea Environments, Takahiko Nagahama
    13 Phylloplane Yeasts, A. Fonseca and J. Inácio
    14 Yeast and Invertebrate Associations, Philip F. Ganter
    15 Yeasts in Extreme Environments, Peter Raspor and Jure Zupan
    16 Yeast Biodiversity in the Antarctic, Helen S. Vishniac
    17 Yeast Biodiversity in Tropical Forests of Asia, Takashi Nakase, Sasitorn Jindamorakot, Somjit Am-in, Wanchern Potacharoen and Morakot Tanticharoen
    18 Yeast Communities in Tropical Rain Forests in Brazil and other South American Ecosystems, Paula B. Morais, Fernando C. Pagnocca and Carlos A. Rosa
    19 The Biogeographic Diversity of Cactophilic Yeasts, William T. Starmer, Virginia Aberdeen and Marc-André Lachance
    20 Black Yeasts and Meristematic Fungi: Ecology, Diversity and Identification, Katja Sterflinger
    21 Yeasts as Indicators of Environmental Quality, Allen N. Hagler
    22 Yeast Biodiversity and Biotechnology, Pietro Buzzini and Ann Vaughan-Martini
    Index .
  9. yoia

    yoia Active Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يناير 19, 2009
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    بكالوريوس علوم - قسم نبات - 2005
    مكان الإقامة:
    مصر ام الدنيا

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    madagaber New Member

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  11. moh@med

    moh@med مـشـرف عـــام إداري

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