Deep Tissue Massage & Myofascial Release A Video Guide to Techniques

الموضوع في 'الفيديوهات والبرامج الطبية' بواسطة waleed marwan, بتاريخ ‏أكتوبر 6, 2007.

حالة الموضوع:
  1. waleed marwan

    waleed marwan New Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏ديسمبر 14, 2005
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    يوجد لدى مجموعة من الاسطوانات مكونة من سبع اسطوانات خاصة بالعلاج الطبيعى بالمساج والتدليك ومحتوى هذة الاسطوانات كالاتى :
    Deep Tissue Massage & Myofascial Release A Video Guide to Techniques
    This seven volume (over 11 hours) encyclopaedia of bodywork gives clear demonstrations of virtually every tissue technique any therapist will need. Seeing them performed live, in real time, offers an educational experience that is impossible to achieve in books alone.
    Many massage training videos just show "strokes" without delving into the complex issues of soft tissue restrictions, osseous articulations and strategies for working with the multitude of different issues we face as therapists. This extensive series is designed to stimulate creativity and problem solving skills. This valuable resource not only shows countless strokes and strategies, but will, more importantly, demonstrate the art of working with fascia to affect profound change.
    SECTION I (DVDs 1 & 2) FUNDAMENTALS - Palpation and Cultivation of Touch-Working with Layers of the Body - Body Biomechanics - How to Properly Use Fingers, Knuckles, the Fist, Forearm, and Elbow and Save Your Thumbs - Purposeful Strokes- Strategies to Lengthen Tissue, Free Adhesions, and Release Holding Patterns - Positioning of Your Client to Increase Effectiveness of Your Work - The Side-Lying Position to Dramatically Improve Your Effectiveness
    SECTION II (DVDs 3, 4 &5) STRATEGIES OF DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE Hundreds of techniques and strategies covering the entire body. DVD 3: Legs and Pelvis. DVD 4: Continuation of the Pelvis, Rotators, Abdomen (Including the Psoas and Iliacus), and the Back. DVD 5: Working with the Shoulder Girdle, Chest, Arms, and Neck
    SECTION III (DVDs 6 & 7) ADVANCED TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES FOR COMMON COMPLAINTS AND INJURIES - Foot/Ankle Injuries Including Sprains, Plantar Fasciaitis, Achilles Tendonitis - Knee Pain and Dysfunction - Sciatica -
    Minor Back Pain - Rotator Cuff - Tennis Elbow and Wrist - Thoracic Outlet
    للاسف حجم الملفات 4 جيجا كان نفسى افيد بيهم هذا المنتدى القيم
    يمنع وضع الإيميلات حسب قانون المنتدى
    mariusd1234 و montassar معجبون بهذا.
  2. noory01

    noory01 New Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يناير 4, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    اخوي ماتقدر تظغطة او حتى تقسمه لاجزاء وتنزله المنتدى ؟؟
حالة الموضوع:

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