The Kingdom Fungi: The Biology of Mushrooms, Molds, and Lichens_2010

الموضوع في 'قسم الأحياء' بواسطة mdbenaicha, بتاريخ ‏مارس 30, 2014.

  1. mdbenaicha

    mdbenaicha مشرف بكلية العلوم إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏مايو 25, 2011
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    The Kingdom Fungi: The Biology of Mushrooms, Molds, and Lichens_2010

    Steven L. Stephenson


    The ubiquitous fungi are little known and vastly underappreciated. Yet, without them we wouldn’t have bread, alcohol, cheese, tofu, or the unique flavors of mushrooms, morels, and truffles. We can’t survive without fungi. The Kingdom Fungi provides a comprehensive look at the biology, structure, and morphological diversity of these necessary organisms. It sheds light on their ecologically important roles in nature, their fascinating relationships with people, plants, and animals, and their practical applications in the manufacture of food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals. The book includes information about “true” fungi, fungus-like creatures (slime molds and water molds), and a group of “composite” organisms (lichens) that are more than just fungi. Particular attention is given to examples of fungi that might be found in the home and encountered in nature. The Kingdom Fungi is a useful introductory text for naturalists, mycologists, and anyone who wants to become more familiar with, and more appreciative of, the fascinating world of fungi.

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