neuro The Neurology_ of _Vision

ابو ابراهيم

مشرف كليه الطب
طاقم الإدارة

The Neurology of Vision By Jonathan D. Trobe, Tanya K. Leonello
| PDF | 41 MB

The Neurology of Vision sets out the principles and information needed to understand and manage disorders of the visual pathways in the brain. The author divides vision into three components. The optical component addresses the eye's ability to properly focus light on the retina. The retinocortical component converts light into neural signals in the retina, transmitting them to the primary visual cortex. Finally, the integrative component converts this simple visual information into more complicated forms. The symptoms and signs, testing methods, and diseases of each part of the visual system are presented using this unique, structural component approach. A final chapter discusses the visual manifestations of psychiatric disturbances. The book is heavily illustrated with over 150 beautifully rendered line illustrations, 50 radiographic brain images, and 60 retinal photographs. Case studies with teaching questions are also included, to further the reader's knowledge and test understanding.

