Assimil - Türkisch_ohne_Mühe (2004)


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Assimil - Türkisch_ohne_Mühe (2004)
German MP3 VBR 80-128 kbps | Coursebook | PDF | 500 pages | CD-ROM Image | IMG, CUE, SUB, CCD | 436 MB​

Self-study course for Deutsch speakers willing to learn Turkish. Includes 4 CD's, a course book and a multimedia CD-ROM with exercises and dialogs. This course is aimed at persons to whom the Turkish language is still a completely unknown, but also to people who already have knowledge of Turkish and refresh this'd like. It provides 71 lessons in modern and realistic Turkish. In total, the vocabulary you learn in this course, about 2,500 words.

Like all Assimil courses are also organized "Turkish no effort" in a passive and an active phase. Lesson 49 until you first learn passively, i.e. You will only understand what you hear and read. Lesson 50 begins with the active phase. After studying each lesson, as usual, go back to a previous lesson and work through this active, ie You should now formulate the German translation of the text in Turkish. And as long as you practice this until you can translate the text into a foreign language.

According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) corresponds to the price of the Council of Europe Level B: independent user (B1 - B2).

The audio CDs contain the same texts as the textbook. So you can deal anywhere, anytime with the language and practice your listening comprehension. Without technical hurdles you can get started right away with learning and with a portable CD player also fully mobile.

Assimil method of learning: to learn to "no trouble" if the / learner ... ... DAILY deal with the language (reading, listening, etc.) ... 20 - invest 30 minutes a day (who has more time should rather learn than 3 x 20 minutes 1 hour of studying) ... NOT memorization: In the beginning it is enough to understand it (ie the words when reading and listening recognize) ... We know that he / she forget new words up to 6 x must (which belongs to the normal learning process) ... at least 6 months schedule to complete a self-study course Assimil. It may also be more important is that you can not move too fast, otherwise you run the risk of forgetting just as soon as one has learned.

Rich (BB code):
