بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Advances_in_Physical_Organic_Chemistry, Volume 41
John Richard

BooK description
Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry provides the chemical community with authoritative and critical assessments of the many aspects of physical organic chemistry. The field is a rapidly developing one, with results and methodologies finding application from biology to solid state physics. * Reviews the application of quantitative and mathematical methods towards understanding chemical problems* Multidisciplinary volumes cover organic, organometallic, bioorganic, enzymes and materials topics.
Table of Contents
1. The Interpretation and Mechanistic Significance of Activation Volumes for Organometallic Reactions (R. van Eldik, C. Hubbard).
2. Mechanisms for Catalysis by Small Molecule Analogs of Metalloprotein Active Sites (L. Berreau).
3. Electron Transfer Reactions within Sigma and Pi-bridged Nitrogen-centered Intervalence Radical Ions (S. Nelsen).
4. Using Kinetic Isotope Effects to Determine the Structure of the Transition States for Sn2 Reactions (K. Westaway).
5. Mechanism for Nucleophilic Aliphatic Substitution at Glycosides (N. Horenstein).
6. Effect of Enzyme Enzymatic Eynamics on Catalytic Activity (S. Schwartz).
Advances_in_Physical_Organic_Chemistry, Volume 41
John Richard

BooK description
Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry provides the chemical community with authoritative and critical assessments of the many aspects of physical organic chemistry. The field is a rapidly developing one, with results and methodologies finding application from biology to solid state physics. * Reviews the application of quantitative and mathematical methods towards understanding chemical problems* Multidisciplinary volumes cover organic, organometallic, bioorganic, enzymes and materials topics.
Table of Contents
1. The Interpretation and Mechanistic Significance of Activation Volumes for Organometallic Reactions (R. van Eldik, C. Hubbard).
2. Mechanisms for Catalysis by Small Molecule Analogs of Metalloprotein Active Sites (L. Berreau).
3. Electron Transfer Reactions within Sigma and Pi-bridged Nitrogen-centered Intervalence Radical Ions (S. Nelsen).
4. Using Kinetic Isotope Effects to Determine the Structure of the Transition States for Sn2 Reactions (K. Westaway).
5. Mechanism for Nucleophilic Aliphatic Substitution at Glycosides (N. Horenstein).
6. Effect of Enzyme Enzymatic Eynamics on Catalytic Activity (S. Schwartz).