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Alltag,_Beruf & Co. 01._Deutsch_als_Fremdsprache:_Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch mit Audio-CD zum Arbeitsbuch
2011 | German | PDF+WMA | 110 pages | 220.5 Mb
Requirements: Adults and adolescents over 16 years in basic level courses (A1-B1) worldwide.
Target group: Those who learn German for professional reasons, such as foreign employees / domestic German companies abroad and foreign employees / domestic firms in Germany, the German for everyday life and need to communicate in operation.
Everyday life, career & Co. is the new professional language teaching work of the team of authors Becker and Braunert: It covers, in six volumes from the substance of the basic (A1, A2, B1) and leads to the tests start German 1 and 2 as well as the Certificate in German.
This textbook provides material per band for about 50 lessons and is suitable for use in general language courses with a vocational orientation and language courses for companies. This textbook conveys the general speech means that you need in everyday life and in business. Therefore, it is suitable for course participants of all occupational groups.
Concept and components: & everyday, work Co. provides both: the language in everyday life and language in the workplace. The course and workbook contains 10 lessons of 10 pages plus a CD loaded with pronunciation exercises, and online exercises. Each lesson consists of:
- In a double-page daily to the subject matter in a common language context;
- A double page spread in the profession about the topic in a professional linguistic context);
- A magazine page with a fun collage on the theme of the lesson, - a summary page grammar and idioms;
- Four pages of workbook exercises on vocabulary and speech resources, grammar and pronunciation.
The inserted CD contains pronunciation exercises in the workbook section, and additional online exercises for the course book part with which the learners can work independently.
The teacher's guide contains lesson plans for each lesson as well as the transcripts of the audio texts and all the solutions.
For each band there is an issue for learning vocabulary words. It offers in a clear form and place the keyword for the translation, an example sentence containing the keyword and a vocabulary exercise.
Volume 1 and 2 lead to Level A1 (German test launch one), Volume 3 and 4 to Level A2 (German test launch 2), band 5 and 6 to the B1 level (Goethe-examination certificate or equivalent Certificates B1).
... Each session is divided into double pages, their first live near each representing everyday situations and vocabulary taught. The second double page transfers this knowledge in the field of professional activity. A final magazine provides additional reading and listening texts and exercises. ... [The series] disregards early determinations regarding the profession, this is not done about the representation of a particular model or an example company teams. Thus the textbook for a cross-industry application is suitable. - Info GFL 2 / 3, 37 Jg, April / June 2010, Claudia Bolsinger
Rich (BB code):