Nanoporous_Materials: Types*Properties_and Uses


* ضيف شرف *
طاقم الإدارة

مشاهدة المرفق 51070

Samuel_B._Jenkins, "Nanoporous_Materials: Types*Properties_and Uses (Nanotechnology*Science*and*Technology)"
| ISBN 10: 161*6681*829 | 2010 | PDF | 366 pages | 10.8 MB

Nanoporous_materials consist of a regular organic or inorganic framework supporting a porous structure. Nanoporous_materials are separated into three subtypes: microporous materials, mesoporous materials and macroporous materials. In recent years, nanoporous materials have been recognized as promising candidates for the multifunctional applications such as catalysis, ion-exchange, gas storage low density magnetic storage, etc. In addition, nanoporous materials are also of scientific and technological importance because of their ability to absorb and co-operate with atoms, ions and molecules on their sizeable interior surfaces and pore space. This book proposes and reviews advances being made in the field of nanoporous materials.

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