الاختبار الاحد وانا موفاهمه

السلام عليكم

الله يسعدكم اشرحولي لاني مره موفاهمه .

الانعكاسيه والتناظريه و المتعدية هل هي متكافأه
مثال /( E = (1’2’3’4
وR علاقة ثنائيه على E بحيث :
(R= (1,1 ) (1,2)(2,1)(2,3)(3,2
س1/ ادرس العلاقة Rهل هي :
تناظريه - إنعكاسيه - متعديه
Just apply definitions of reflexive transitive and symmetry

First observation is that that this relation is not reflexive since (2,2) does not occur in the given list
This relation is symmetric
It is not transitive since (2,3) and (3,2) but (2.2) does not occur in your list of all possible relations.
Please choose another surname, Mthematics is do it to resolve complexity.
I think the space X here is a vecor space to be able to define A-B. I want to ask you what is the definion of a measurable that was adopted in your corses. I ask you that in order to help you more effective way
Im sorry this message

I think the space X here is a vecor space to be able to define A-B. I want to ask you what is the definion of a measurable that was adopted in your corses. I ask you that in order to help you more effective way"

Was not for you

إذا على الاسم فأنا معقده من الرياضيات بسبب سوء شرح الماده من قبل الاساتذه

ولكن انت اهتميت بالاسم وشرحت لي ولم أستطع الفهم فجزاكـــــ الله خيــــــــــــــــــــرا