برنامج Handy Recovery 3.0 لإسترجاع المحذوفات


مشرف عام
طاقم الإدارة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


برنامج من أقوى البرامج في إستعادة المحذوفات سواء ملفات الصوتيه
او الصور أو المستندات المهمة التي أضعتموها او حذفتموها بدون قصد
والبرنامج يحتوي على خاصية بحث سريعه وفعاله جدا ويمكنه إيجاد أغلب
الملفات المحذوفه حتى بعد فورمات الجهاز......... نتمنى لكم الفائده

Handy Recovery 3.0

Handy Recovery™ is an easy-to-use data recovery software designed to restore files accidentally deleted from hard disks and floppy drives. The program can recover files damaged by virus attacks, power failures and software faults or files from deleted and formatted partitions. If some program does not use Recycle Bin when deleting files, Handy Recovery can restore such files. It can also recover files moved to Recycle Bin after it has been emptied.

Handy Recovery Features :

FAT12/16/32, NTFS and NTFS 5 + EFS file systems support

Handy Recovery supports all MS Windows file systems for hard and floppy drives, including modern versions of NTFS used in Windows XP. It can recover compressed and encrypted files on NTFS drives.

In-depth disk scanning for certain file types
The information about each file on the disk is stored in a file record. When a file is deleted usually its file record is not destroyed immediately, so typical recovery software can use it to restore the file. However in some cases the file record can be deleted too. In this case Handy Recovery can perform in-depth disk scanning and try to find such files.

Option to create disk images for deferred recovery
You can create an exact image of a logical drive and save it to a special file on another drive. Later you will be able to open this image and recover files from it.

Shows probability of successful recovery for each file

البرنامج : Handy Recovery
الإصـدار : 3.0
الحجــــم : 900 KB

تحميل البرنامج

الباتش من المرفق

تحياتــــــ لكم ــــــي


  • hr30twk-2006-08-03.zip
    74.9 KB · المشاهدات: 1,611

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أخى العزيز جداااااا س الهاشمى
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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