WinTools.net Professional
نبذه عن البرنامج
برنامج من اروع البرامج يقوم بضبط الكمبيوتر
تنظيف المخلفات من الجهاز
تنظيف الملفاة المهمله من الريجستري
ضبط الانترنت لتكون اسرع من قبل
ومميزات اخرى
يحتوي البرنامج عدة لغات منها العربيه
باللغه الانجليزيه
WinTools.net Professional combines a suite of tools to increase PC performance and maintain your system. It includes an Installer/Uninstaller for complete removal of installed software, a registry cleaner, Internet connection tweaker, a privacy cleaner, Startup Manager and more. You can find and remove junk files and broken shortcuts, apply various Windows interface tweaks and more. The program also includes a feature that allows you to delete common Internet and computer tracks, while maintaining previous history. This allows you to delete your tracks and then restore all other tracks, making it less obvious that someone `cleaned up`. Additional features include secure file deletion and a password protected interface.
صوره توضح رقم الاصدار
حجم البرنامج
1015 kb
رقم الاصدار
بيئة العمل
Win (All)
WinTools.net Professional ver. 7.7.1
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