HiTechNour { Business Security } كآميرات مرآقبه ، ابوآب أمنيه ، إلخ أرخص الاسعار


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هايتك لأنظمه الأمن وأجهزه الأمن الاجود والأرخص

نقدم لكم جميع انظمه الأمن من أجود الأنواع وافضل الأسعار

نستطيع تأمين منزلك ، محلـك ، شركتك ، جرآجك ، ايآ كآن مكآنك بمنتجآتنا وخدمآتنا ،،
1- كآميرات المراقبه التلفزيونيه العاديه والـ آى بى كآميرا. 2- أنظمه الحضور والإنصراف سواء بالكارت او بالبصمه او بالرقم السرى . 3- أنظمه التحكم ف الابواب والدخول والخروج. 4- البوابات الامنيه ، بوابات الجرآجات ، أنظمه الكشف الكشف عن المعادن. 5- أنظمه الحمايه من الحريق. 6- اجهزه الإنذار ضد السرقه. 7-اجهزه الاذاعه الداخليه. 8-بوابه تأمين سرقه الملآبس.
Security Solutions انظمه امنيه ، كاميرات مراقبه ، بوابات امنيه


For Network & Business Security Solutions.

We Provide you with a Total Security Solutions :

v Metal/Explosives Detectors

* Metal Detection Gates.

* Hand-held Metal Detectors.
* Hand-held Explosives Detectors.
* X-ray security Scanners.

v Closed Circuit Television (cctv)

* High End Digital Video Recorder (DVR) For CCTV

* Supports up to 16 Camera simultaneously
* Live display (400 Frames / Second )
* Mpeg-4compression (Best Picture Quality )
* Up to 2 Terra Bytes Internal storage
* Removable DVD-Rw Drive (For back-ups)
* Network ( Ethernet:TCP/IP) Dynamic IP
* Control For Pan/Tilt/Zoom/Focus/LIRIS.
* USB interface for (Mouse support / External Storage )
* Motion detection
* All types of surveillance cameras
* Wireless ,outdoor , day/night and infrared (IR) cameras

v Access Control Systems

* Fingerprint or proximity systems

* 15000 users
* Rf card or pin Code
* Bell Button
* Time Verification > 1.00 Sec
* Serial / Lan connection
* Access control software

v Time Attendance Systems

* Fingerprint or proximity systems

* 30000 users
* Dual Fingerprint for each user
* Time Verification > 1.00 Sec
* Serial / Lan connection
* Time Attendance Software

v Electromagnetic Locks for Access Control

* Combine mechanical and Electromagnetic Locks mechanisms.

* Work with any access control systems .
* Open / Close using Remote control .

v Fire alarm systems

* Addressable / Conventional systems

* Smoke and Heat detectors
* Call points
* Fire alarm Sirens
* Fire alarm flashing lights

v Radio-Frequency identification (RFD) and Bar-code systems

* Anti-theft Applications

* Supply chain Applications
* Health-care Applications
* Inventory Control Applications
* Free Way and Parking billing Applications
* Libraries Applications
* RFID components supply

v Wired /Wireless Home Security

* Wide Wireless Coverage

* Indoor and Outdoor Sirens
* Auto telephone dialing feature
* Central monitoring stations for compounds

Motion , Door / Window , Glass break , Gas Leakage and water leakage sensors .

To contact us :

Address: 33 Zaker Hussein St., Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

Postal Code: 11371

Email:hitechnour@hotmail.com ..mmk_dgb@yahoo.com

Mobile: (+2) 0111268812