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مشاهدة المرفق 49185
120 ميجا
1520 pages
December 14, 2010
Biochemistry provides the most up to date coverage is important in this course with in-depth and accurate coverage of the chemical concepts that underlie classical biochemical theory, as well as providing coverage of the exciting, modern developments in this dynamic field. The fourth edition challenges students to learn the chemical concepts that underlie both classical biochemical theory as well as the latest developments in the field. It follows a more brief and qualitative approach to present biochemistry with chemical rigor, focusing on the structures of biomolecules, chemical mechanisms, and evolutionary relationships.
120 ميجا
1520 pages
December 14, 2010
Biochemistry provides the most up to date coverage is important in this course with in-depth and accurate coverage of the chemical concepts that underlie classical biochemical theory, as well as providing coverage of the exciting, modern developments in this dynamic field. The fourth edition challenges students to learn the chemical concepts that underlie both classical biochemical theory as well as the latest developments in the field. It follows a more brief and qualitative approach to present biochemistry with chemical rigor, focusing on the structures of biomolecules, chemical mechanisms, and evolutionary relationships.
في المرفقات
هذا ال cd للكتاب التالي
This software was created as an interactive CD-Rom supplement to best selling textbook in biochemistry Fundamentals_of_Biochemistr_by_Donald_J_Voet,_Judith_G. _Voet,_Charlotte_W. _Pratt.
120Mbفي المرفقات