Matter and motion


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة
James Clerk Maxwell
D0ver Publicаtions | 1991-11-04 | I5BN: 0486668959 | PDF | 176 pages | 10.45 MB
The great physicist's elegant, concise survey of Newtonian dynamics proceeds gradually from simple particles of matter to physical systems beyond complete analysis. Includes "On the Equation of Motion of a Connected System," from Volume II of Electricity and Magnetism. Appendixes deal with relativity motion and principles of least action.
A thorough guide to the fundamental principles essential for studying elementary physics. Maxwell was a pioneer of physics and here logically explains and demonstrates the concepts his work built upon. Unifying concepts are introduced in order of complexity to build knowledge and understanding of the timeless laws of physics.​
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