Accelerator Physics

winter rose

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Accelerator Physics

World Scientific Publishing Company | May 1999 | ISBN-10: 981023709X | 480 pages | PDF | 21.22 MB


The development of high energy accelerators began in 1911, when Rutherford discovered the atomic nuclei inside the atom. Since then, progress has been made in the following:

(1) development of high voltage dc and rf accelerators, (2) achievement of high field magnets with excellent field quality, (3) discovery of transverse and longitudinal beam focusing principles, (4) invention of high power rf sources, (5) improvement of high vacuum technology, (6) attainment of high brightness (polarized/unpolarized) electron/ion sources, (7) advancement of beam dynamics and beam manipulation schemes, such as beam injection, accumulation, slow and fast extraction, beam damping and beam cooling, instability feedback, etc.


موضوعات في غايه الاهميه تماما ككاتبها
عاجز عن شكرك مشرفتنا الراقيه

موضوعات في غايه الاهميه تماما ككاتبها
عاجز عن شكرك مشرفتنا الراقيه


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