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برنامج AntiVir Personal Edition 7
نسخه مجانيه من هذا المكافح للفيروسات الذي يقدم كل جديد لحماية حاسبك
The private and individual use of the AntiVir Personal Edition is completely free of charge! Even though viruses have now grown very numerous, one thing hasn't changed: our commitment to provide you with all-round protection. The reliability of AntiVir is demonstrated in numerous comparison test and references featured in independent trade journals.
The AntiVir Personal Edition offers the effective protection against computer viruses for the individual and private use on a single PC-workstation. In order to make possible an easy operation, the AntiVir Personal Edition is developed to the essential points.
Limitatons: Free of charge for the private and not
for the commercial use.
التحميل للويندوز NT/2000/XP
التحميل للويندوز 9x/ME
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برنامج AntiVir Personal Edition 7
نسخه مجانيه من هذا المكافح للفيروسات الذي يقدم كل جديد لحماية حاسبك
The private and individual use of the AntiVir Personal Edition is completely free of charge! Even though viruses have now grown very numerous, one thing hasn't changed: our commitment to provide you with all-round protection. The reliability of AntiVir is demonstrated in numerous comparison test and references featured in independent trade journals.
The AntiVir Personal Edition offers the effective protection against computer viruses for the individual and private use on a single PC-workstation. In order to make possible an easy operation, the AntiVir Personal Edition is developed to the essential points.
Limitatons: Free of charge for the private and not
for the commercial use.
التحميل للويندوز NT/2000/XP
التحميل للويندوز 9x/ME
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