Actinide Nanoparticle Research


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة

Actinide Nanoparticle Research
Springer; 1st Edition | July 28, 2011 | ISBN-10: 3642114318 | 459 pages | PDF | 11.28 MB

This is the first book to cover actinide nano research. It is of interest both for fundamental research into the chemistry and physics of f-block elements as well as for applied researchers such as those studying the long-term safety of nuclear waste disposal and developing remediation strategies.
The authors cover important issues of the formation of actinide nano-particles, their properties and structure, environmental behavior of colloids and nanoparticles related to the safe disposal of nuclear wastes, modeling and advanced methods of characterization at the nano-scale.​

هذا ايضا موضوع غريب وغير مطروق
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رائع جدا اخى العزيز نفعنا الله بك
تقبل تقديرى واحترامى الشديد دكتور فؤاد
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