بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Fundamentals of Photochemistry
K.K.Rohatgi- Mukherjee

Product Details
Hardcover: 347 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (1978)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470265477
ISBN-13: 978-0470265475
From Preface
This book is written as a university level textbook, suitable for graduate, postgraduate and research students in the field of photochemistry, photophysics and photobiology. During the long years of teaching photochemistry at the graduate and postgraduate levels, I have always found it difficult to recommend a single textbook to the students. My first introduction to photochenlistry was through Bowen's Chemical Aspects of Light which very lucidly explained the interactions between radiation and matter and their consequences and which has influenced me the most although photochemistry has travelled a long way since then. I have freely taken the help of books and monographs which are now available on the subject. All these books are listed in the beginning of the bibliography.
J.B. Birks' Photophysics of Aromatic Molecules, N.J. Turro's Molecular Photochemistry, J.P. Simons' Photochemistry and Spectroscopy and A.A. Lamola and N.J. Turro (ed) Organic Photochemistry and Energy Transfer are some of the books from which I have drawn heavily. To these should be added the many review articles which have been of great help.
Introducing Photochemistry
Nature of Light and Nature of Matter
Mechanism of Absorption and Emission of Radiation of Photochemical Interest
Physicochemical Properties of the Electronically Excited Molecules
Photophysical Processesin Electronically Excited Molecules
Photophysical Kinetics of Bimolecular Processes
Photochemical Primary Processes
Some Aspects of Organic and Inorganic Photochemistry
Some Current Topics in Photochemistry
Tools and Techniques
Case History of a Photochemical Reaction
APPENDIX I Mathematical Equation for the Combination of Two Plane Polarized Radiation
APPENDIX II Low Temperature Glasses
APPENDIX III Photokinetic Scheme for Determination of Quantum Yields
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Fundamentals of Photochemistry
K.K.Rohatgi- Mukherjee
Product Details
Hardcover: 347 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (1978)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470265477
ISBN-13: 978-0470265475
From Preface
This book is written as a university level textbook, suitable for graduate, postgraduate and research students in the field of photochemistry, photophysics and photobiology. During the long years of teaching photochemistry at the graduate and postgraduate levels, I have always found it difficult to recommend a single textbook to the students. My first introduction to photochenlistry was through Bowen's Chemical Aspects of Light which very lucidly explained the interactions between radiation and matter and their consequences and which has influenced me the most although photochemistry has travelled a long way since then. I have freely taken the help of books and monographs which are now available on the subject. All these books are listed in the beginning of the bibliography.
J.B. Birks' Photophysics of Aromatic Molecules, N.J. Turro's Molecular Photochemistry, J.P. Simons' Photochemistry and Spectroscopy and A.A. Lamola and N.J. Turro (ed) Organic Photochemistry and Energy Transfer are some of the books from which I have drawn heavily. To these should be added the many review articles which have been of great help.
Introducing Photochemistry
Nature of Light and Nature of Matter
Mechanism of Absorption and Emission of Radiation of Photochemical Interest
Physicochemical Properties of the Electronically Excited Molecules
Photophysical Processesin Electronically Excited Molecules
Photophysical Kinetics of Bimolecular Processes
Photochemical Primary Processes
Some Aspects of Organic and Inorganic Photochemistry
Some Current Topics in Photochemistry
Tools and Techniques
Case History of a Photochemical Reaction
APPENDIX I Mathematical Equation for the Combination of Two Plane Polarized Radiation
APPENDIX II Low Temperature Glasses
APPENDIX III Photokinetic Scheme for Determination of Quantum Yields
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