Spring 2011/University of Colorado (Video Lectures + Lecture Notes)

Spring 2011/University of Colorado (Video Lectures + Lecture Notes)
  1. Math 1360- Calculus II- Shannon Michaux-(MathOnline Course)
  2. Math 2350- Calculus III- Dr. Jenny Dorrington - (MathOnline Course)
  3. Math 3110- Theory of Numbers- Dr. Gene Abrams -(MathOnline Course)
  4. Math 3400- Introduction to Differential Equations - Dr. George Rus - (MathOnline Course)

Math 1360- Calculus II- Shannon Michaux-(MathOnline Course)
Course Description: Continuation of Calculus I (Math 135). Transcendental functions, techniques and applications of integration, Taylor's theorem, improper integrals, infinite series, analytic geometry, polar coordinates, introduction to differential equations
Math 1360 Lecture 1 - Calculus One Review
Math 1360 Lecture 2 - U-Substitution and Trigonometry Review
Math 1360 Lecture 3 - Integration by Parts
Math 1360 Lecture 4 - Trigonometric Integrals
Math 1360 Lecture 5 - Trigonometric Substitution
Math 1360 Lecture 6 - Partial Fraction Decomposition
Math 1360 Lecture 7 - Integration Using Tables
Lecture 8-Strategy for Integration - *Technical Difficulties with the Video* Add Video
Math 1360 Lecture 9 - Trapezoidal Rule and Error Bounds
Math 1360 Lecture 10 - Improper Integrals
Math 1360 Lecture 11 - Area between Two Curves
Math 1360 Lecture 12 - Volume Integrals
Math 1360 Lecture 13 - Cylindrical Shells
Math 1360 Lecture 14 - Arc Length
Math 1360 Lecture 16 - Review
Math 136 Lecture 17 - Test Results and Sequences
Math 1360 Lecture 18 - Sequences Part II
Math 1360 Lecture 19 - Series
Math 1360 Lecture 20 - Inteagral Test and P-Series
Math 1360 Lecture 21 - P-Series Part II Add Video
Math 1360 Lecture 22 - Alternating Series
Math 1360 Lecture 23 - Convergence
Math 1360 Lecture 24 - Series
Math 1360 Lecture 25 - Power Series and Convergence
Math 1360 Lecture 26 - Representations of Power Series
Math 1360 Lecture 27 - Representative Functions Part II
Math 1360 Lecture 28 - Taylor and Maclaurin Series Add Video
Math 1360 Lecture 29 - Taylor Polynomials
Math 1360 Lecture 30 - Review
Math 1360 Lecture 31 - Review Continued Add Video
Math 1360 Lecture 32 - Test Results and Work
Math 1360 Lecture 33 - Differential Equations
Math 1360 Lecture 34 - Parametric Equations
Math 1360 Lecture 35 - Parametric Curves
Math 1360 Lecture 36 - Polar Coordinates
Math 1360 Lecture 37 - Area Add Video
Math 1360 Lecture 38 - Review
Math 1360 Lecture 39 - Review Part II Add Video

Math 2350- Calculus III- Dr. Jenny Dorrington - (MathOnline Course)
Course Description: Continuation of Calculus II (Math 136). Parametric curves, vector functions, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, Green's Theorem and Stoke's Theorem.
Math 2350 Lecture 1 - Introduction to Calculus III
Math 2350 Lecture 2 - Review
Math 2350 Lecture 3 - Vector Properties
Math 2350 Lecture 4 - Vectors Part II
Math 2350 Lecture 5 - The Dot Product
Math 2350 Lecture 6 - The Cross Product
Math 2350 Lecture 7 - Cross Product Part II
Math 2350 Lecture 8 - Lines and Planes
Math 2350 Lecture 9 - Equations of Lines
Math 2350 Lecture 10 - Shapes
Math 2350 Lecture 11 - Quadratic Surfaces
Math 2350 Lecture 12 - Calculus of Vector Functions
Math 2350 Lecture 13 - Curves
Math 2350 Lecture 14 - Arc Length
Math 2350 Lecture 15 - Parameterization
Math 2350 Lecture 16 - Curvature
Math 2350 Lecture 17 - Normal and Binormal Vectors
Math 2350 Lecture 18 - Space Curves
Math 2350 Lecture 19 - Multivariable Functions
Math 2350 Lecture 20 - Limits
Math 2350 Lecture 21 - Limits Part II
Math 2350 Lecture 22 - Partial Derivatives
Math 2350 Lecture 23 - Partial Derivatives Part II
Math 2350 Lecture 24 - Chain Rules
Math 2350 Lecture 25 - Directional Derivative
Math 2350 Lecture 26 - Gradient Vectors
Math 2350 Lecture 27 - Max and Min Values
Math 2350 Lecture 28 - Review
Math 2350 Lecture 29 - LaGrange Multipliers
Math 2350 Lecture 30 - LaGrange Multipliers Continued
Math 2350 Lecture 31 - Double Integrals
Math 2350 Lecture 32 - Double Integrals Over General Regions
Math 2350 Lecture 33 - Polar Coordinates
Math 2350 Lecture 34 - Triple Integrals
Math 2350 Lecture 35 - Triple Integrals Part II
Math 2350 Lecture 36 - Cylindrical Coordinates
Math 2350 Lecture 37 - Spherical Coordinates
Math 2350 Lecture 38 - Vector Fields
Math 2350 Lecture 39 - Line Integrals
Math 2350 Lecture 40 - Line Integrals Part II
Math 2350 Lecture 41 - Work
Math 2350 Lecture 42 - Gradients
Math 2350 Lecture 43 - Review

Math 3110- Theory of Numbers- Dr. Gene Abrams -(MathOnline Course)
Course Description: A careful study, with emphasis on proofs, of the following topics associated with the set of integers: divisibility, congruences, arithmetic functions, sums of squares, quadratic residues and reciprocity, and elementary results on distributions of primes.
Math 3110 Lecture 1 - Introduction and Well Ordering Principle
Math 3110 Lecture 2 - The Division Algorithm
Math 3110 Lecture 3 - Linear Combination Theorem
Math 3110 Lecture 4 - Relatively Prime Integers
Math 3110 Lecture 5 - Linear Diophantine
Math 3110 Lecture 6 - Fundamental Theorem of the Arithmetic
Math 3110 Lecture 7 - Infinitely Many Primes
Math 3110 Lecture 8 - Remainder Analysis
Math 3110 Lecture 9 - Conguence Mod N
Math 3110 Lecture 10 - Little Fermat Theorem
Math 3110 Lecture 11 - Wilson's Theory
Math 3110 Lecture 12 - History of Numbers
Math 3110 Lecture 13 - Number Theoretic Functions
Math 3110 Lecture 14 - Multiplicative Functions
Math 3110 Lecture 15 - Euler's Phi Function
Math 3110 Lecture 16 - RSA Encryption
Math 3110 Lecture 17 - The Order of a MOD n
Math 3110 Lecture 18 - The Order of Powers MOD n
Math 3110 Lecture 19 - Primative Roots
Math 3110 Lecture 20 - Orders MOD p for p prime
Math 3110 Lecture 21 - Primitive roots MOD a
Math 3110 Lecture 22 - Even Perfect Numbers
Math 3110 Lecture 23 - The Fibonacci Sequence
Math 3110 Lecture 24 - Pythagorean Triples
Math 3110 Lecture 25 - Primitive Pythagorean Triples
Math 3110 Lecture 26 - Fermat's Last Theorem

Math 3400- Introduction to Differential Equations - Dr. George Rus - (MathOnline Course)
Course Description: Includes study of first order differential equations, linear differential equations, the Laplace transform method, power series solutions, numerical solutions, and linear systems.
Math 3400 Lecture 1 - Review and Partial Fractions
Math 3400 Lecture 2 - First Order Differential Equations
Math 3400 Lecture 3 - Separation of Variables
Math 3400 Lecture 4 - Exact Equations
Math 3400 Lecture 5 - Picard Iterations
Math 3400 Lecture 6 - Existance and Uniqueness Theorem
Math 3400 Lecture 7 - Numerical Methods
Math 340 Lecture 8 - Secord Order Differential Equations
Math 3400 Lecture 9 - Linear Equations
Math 3400 Lecture 10 - Linear Equations Continued
Math 3400 Lecture 11 - Non-Homogeneous Equations
Math 3400 Lecture 12 - Method of Parameters
Math 3400 Lecture 13 - Method of Parameters Part II
Math 3400 Lecture 14 - Power Rules
Math 3400 Lecture 15 - Review For Exam 1
Math 3400 Lecture 16 - Test Results
Math 340 Lecture 17 - Power Series

Math 3400 Lecture 18 - Power Series and LaPlace Transforms
Math 3400 Lecture 19 - La Place Transforms Part II
Math 3400 Lecture 20 - Properties of LaPlace Transforms
Math 3400 Lecture 21 - Properties of the Laplace Transform Part II
Math 3400 Lecture 22 - Heavyside Functions
Math 3400 Lecture 23 - Dirac Functions
Math 3400 Lecture 24 - Review
Math 3400 Lecture 25 - Matricies and Vectors
Math 3400 Lecture 26 - Review For Final Exam
Math 3400 Lecture 27 - Eigenvectors
Math 3400 Lecture 28 - Review For Final Exam
