الفيزياء الرياضية Rational Reconstructions of Modern Physics

winter rose

مشرفة بالجامعةزهرة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة
Peter Mittelstaedt, "Rational Reconstructions of Modern Physics"

S-er | ISBN: 9400700768 | 2010 | PDF | 134 pages | 1,1 mb


Newton’s classical physics and its underlying ontology are loaded with several metaphysical hypotheses that cannot be justified by rational reasoning nor by experimental evidence. Furthermore, it is well known that some of these hypotheses are not contained in the great theories of modern physics, such as the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. This book shows that, on the basis of Newton’s classical physics and by rational reconstruction, the theory of relativity as well as quantum mechanics can be obtained by partly eliminating or attenuating the metaphysical hypotheses. Moreover, it is shown that these reconstructions do not require additional hypotheses or new experimental results.


جزاك الله خيرا اختي الكريمة على مجهوداتك الطيبة
جزاك الله خيرا اختي الكريمة على مجهوداتك الطيبة

جزاك الله خيرا مشرفتنا الفاضلة ورزقك من نعمائه

[FONT=MCS Hor 1 S_I Abrade 2000]تشرفت جــــــــــدا ً بمروركم الرائع [/FONT]
[FONT=MCS Hor 1 S_I Abrade 2000]بارك الله فيكــــــــــــم ووفقكم إلى الخير [/FONT]
رائع مشرفتنا الكريمة فتح الله عليك ابواب الخير كلها
رائع مشرفتنا الكريمة فتح الله عليك ابواب الخير كلها

وأدعو لك بالمثل مستشارنا الفاضل
بارك الله فيك وجزاك مما لك فيه نصيب من الخير وأكثر