Archicad 10 Full CD + tutorials


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Archicad 10 Full CD + tutorials

Archicad 10 Full Version $4250.00

Archicad® offers a different approach to your workflow process, which gives you more control over your design, while maintaining accuracy and efficiency in documentation. While you raise walls, lay floors, add doors and windows, build stairs and construct roofs this Building Information Authoring Tool creates a central database of 3D model data. From this you can extract all the information needed to completely describe your design - complete plans, sections and elevations, architectural and construction details, Bills of Quantities window/door/finish schedules, renderings, animations and virtual reality scenes. That means while you're designing, Archicad is creating all the project documentation so there's little repetitive and tedious drafting work. And unlike designing in 2D software, the Virtual BuildingTM approach also means that you can make changes at any time maintaining the integrity of your documents, without risking costly errors or costing you productivity.
The most comprehensive architectural tool available

The Virtual BuildingTM approach gives you the competitive edge today while integrating your work into the Building Information solution. With Archicad you can quickly and easily access just the right representation of the building for each design phase, and for all of the different partners involved in the project. All your documents are just a click or two away. Your client can see not only the functional arrangement and the site plan, but also how it feels to walk through the space, or how sunlight affects a particular room at different times of the day.

Consultants can receive the building data in electronic format, regardless of which CAD platform they are on, make changes and return the file to you for further work without any loss of the Virtual BuildingTM data in the process. Comprehensive schedules and bills of materials are available for builders and sub-contractors, as well as drawings of scale-sensitive details. Builders can plan tasks, create time-based animations and document any phase of a building's construction or demolition. And developers can use the photo-realistic renderings for a sales brochure.
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