We Pray to Allah Subhan Wa Talla for His Blessings on the Ummah


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إخواني وأخواتي:

الحمد لله وحده، والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده، وبعد:

Please forgive me, for my poor Arabic so I write in english.

The last 10 years have been very painful time on the whole of Ummah. But with the blessing of Allah Subhan Wa Talla, we have made progress. In this process, this forum has contributed much. I wanna thank all the people who run this forum and those who contribute. I discovered this forum when searching for "Islam and Science" and found three english articles which were very nice on this forum and paste the links below.


I tried to find and contact the author but it did not succeed. I became a member and pasted links to technical ebooks that I searched and found from google.

I have obtained some rare and very good technical books of high clarity, unusual insight and such and I want to establish a study group where I can share in a more private manner so that my shares stays with our friends. Also, much technical development is painfully slow and can take place only by collaborative, long term cooperation. The books are always elementary , missing much information. Some publications are written to mislead also. My goal is to find collaborative study groups in several disciplines, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Precision Technology, Metallurgy, Ceramics, Glass, Polymers and Materials Science.

You will find it painful that our Muslim and Arab scientists were grabbed , lured , deceived , entrapped into situation where they were made to work and against Islamic people. For example, the armor worn by crusaders is made of Kevlar with Boron Carbide, Lanxide, Silicon Carbide and other type of high impact strength tough materials made by Combustion Synthesis process. The coins of these materials are in kevlar jacket and save the invading soldiers. One such person whose work led to this is Dr Zuhair Munir from Iraq. Here is his website - http://chms.engineering.ucdavis.edu/faculty/munir.html

911 was a cruel joke and callous prank and deception that was played on the muslim people all over the world. It is now known that it was done by Mossad, as you can search the name of "Dr Alan Sabrosky" and watch his testimonial videos. It is know that nanothermite (a variant of combustion synthesis used in metallurgy and military) was used to demolish the buildings of World Trade Center.

I would like the trusted people to arrange english speaking trusted brother so that I can setup a study groups and contribute relatively rare material that others dont share with you.

Sahih International
And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.
