Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites: Metal and Ceramic Matrices


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, "Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites: Metal and Ceramic Matrices"
| 2009-07-14 | | 242 pages | PDF | 4,9 MB

Providing a broad insight into the potential applications of carbon nanotubes with metals and ceramic materials as a matrix, this book focuses on the preparation and the microstructural, physical, and mechanical characterizations of such novel nanocomposites. It features information on current synthesis and structure-property-relationships of metals and ceramics reinforced with CNT, organizing the vast array of surveys scattered throughout the literature in a single monograph. With its laboratory protocols and data tables this is invaluable reading for research workers and academics, as well as for applied scientists and industry personnel.
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أكون سعيــد كثيرا عندما اجد اهتماما بعلوم وهندســة المواد وتطبيقاتها فهي مفاتيح التكنولوجيا

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