World of Nitrogen By Isaac Asimov
Publisher: Abe lard-Schu man Ltd 1959 | 159 Pages | ISBN: 0020914008 | DJVU | 1 MB
The substances that go to make up your body are quite different in several ways from those that go to make up a rock. The chemical compounds in you and in all living things, are, for the most part, fragile. If they are heated or subjected to sunlight or various chemicals for even a short time, they are often changed into forms no longer useful to the body, Rocks and metal, water and salt, air and glass can easily resist a harsh environment of a kind that would ruin our body chemicals. Chemists, about a hundred and fifty years ago, consequently began to divide all chemical substances into 2 groups : organic compounds (those which occurred in living tissue) and inorganic compounds (those which occurred in non-living air, sea and soil. It was noticed that, in most cases, substances in living tissue contained carbon atoms in their make-up, while inorganic substances did not. For that reason, organic chemistry is now considered to be the chemistry of those compounds which contain carbon, whether a particular compound occurs in a living tissue or not. (If you have ever seen coal, you have seen carbon. Coal is made up almost entirely of carbon atoms.)