Quantum Mechanics; A Modern and Concise Introductory Course


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Quantum Mechanics; A Modern and Concise Introductory Course
Publisher: Springer | 240 pages | June 11, 2007 | ISBN: 3540462155 | PDF | 7 MB

Starting from basic principles, the book systematically covers both Heisenberg and Schrödinger realizations of quantum mechanics (in this order). The material traditionally presented in quantum textbooks is illustrated with applications which are (or will become) cornerstones of future technologies. The emphasis in the matrix formulation focus the attention on the spin, the most important quantum observable, and paves the way to chapters on quantum information (including crytography, teleportation and computation), on recent tests of quantum physics and on decoherence. Additions and changes found in the second edition include; a more friendly presentation to Hilbert spaces; more practical applications e.g. scanning tunneling microscope (potential barrier); quantum dots (single-particle states in semiconductors); lasers and masers (induced emission); real experiments that have recently provided a qualitative change in the foundations of quantum physics; and an outline of the density matrix formalism as applied to a simple model of decoherence.

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