Studies of Nanoconstrictions, Nanowires and Fe3O3 Thin Films


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Amalio Fernandez-Pacheco, "Studies of Nanoconstrictions, Nanowires and Fe3O3 Thin Films: Electrical Conduction and Magnetic Properties. Fabrication by Focused Electron/Ion Beam"
Sp-ger | 2011 | ISBN: 3642158005 | 188 pages | PDF | 5,4 MB

This work constitutes a detailed study of electrical and magnetic properties in nanometric materials with a range of scales: atomic-sized nanoconstrictions, micro- and nanowires and thin films. Firstly, a novel method of fabricating atomic-sized constrictions in metals is presented; it relies on measuring the conduction of the device while a focused-ion-beam etching process is in progress.

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