Russian Punctuation & Related Symbols: A Guide for English Speakers

winter rose

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طاقم الإدارة
Russian Punctuation & Related Symbols: A Guide for English Speakers

Publisher: Slavica Pub | 2005 | ISBN-10: 0893572756 | ISBN-13: 978 0893572754 | English/Russian | PDF | 249 pages | 33.12 Mb

This is the first pedagogical description of Russian punctuation ever written for English-speaking students. Designed for the advanced beginner or intermediate student , it can likewise be used profitably by fluent speakers who desire to improve their command of written Russian. Beginning with an overview of Russian syntactic categories , the book moves on to cover each Russian punctuation device and its rules of usage in Written Standard Russian. Special emphasis is placed on instances where English and Russian use the same mark of punctuation for different purposes. A final section describes the functions of other punctuation-like symbols , such as the hyphen , the capital letter , the slash , and the period used in abbeviations. Each section is accompanied by exercises structured to test comprehension of the material as it is being covered. An appendix provides suggested solutions to all exercises . This book fills an important gap in English-language teaching of Russian and should be used in every undergraduate Russian language program.
Vajda is a brilliant professor, and his book is a great help for the beginning to mid-level Russian student. Advanced Russian students will still get some good information from the book. It's a reference book that's well worth its price

كتاب هام للغايه ولكن اهميته لن تصل الى صاحب هذة المشاركه
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كتاب هام للغايه ولكن اهميته لن تصل الى صاحب هذة المشاركه
بوركت يمناك مهندستنا الرائعه

يعجز لسانى عن ايجاد ما يكفى لشكركم ولا أملك الا أن أقول:

جزاكى الله خيرا مشرفتنا الفاضلة

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