Wireless Communications


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Andreas F. Molisch, "Wireless Communications, 2 edition"
W.ley | 2011 | ISBN: 0470741864 | 884 pages | PDF | 12 MB

"Professor Andreas F. Molisch, renowned researcher and educator, has put together the comprehensive book, Wireless Communications. The second edition, which includes a wealth of new material on important topics, ensures the role of the text as the key resource for every student, researcher, and practitioner in the field."
Professor Moe Win, MIT, USA

Wireless communications has grown rapidly over the past decade from a niche market into one of the most important, fast moving industries. Fully updated to incorporate the latest research and developments, Wireless Communications, Second Edition provides an authoritative overview of the principles and applications of mobile communication technology.

The author provides an in-depth analysis of current treatment of the area, addressing both the traditional elements, such as Rayleigh fading, BER in flat fading channels, and equalisation, and more recently emerging topics such as multi-user detection in CDMA systems, MIMO systems, and cognitive radio. The dominant wireless standards; including cellular, cordless and wireless LANs; are discussed.

Topics featured include: wireless propagation channels, transceivers and signal processing, multiple access and advanced transceiver schemes, and standardised wireless systems.
Combines mathematical descriptions with intuitive explanations of the physical facts, enabling readers to acquire a deep understanding of the subject.
Includes new chapters on cognitive radio, cooperative communications and relaying, video coding, 3GPP Long Term Evolution, and WiMax; plus significant new sections on multi-user MIMO, 802.11n, and information theory.
Companion website featuring: supplementary material on 'DECT', solutions manual and presentation slides for instructors, appendices, list of abbreviations and other useful resources



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أقف حائرا لا أجد مفردات تصف شكرى وامتنانى لكم دكتور

متعكم الله بالصحة والعافية وبارك فى عطائكم المتواصل

جزاك الله خيرا على هذا الكتاب القيم


مشرفنا الفاضل ...

أقف حائرا لا أجد مفردات تصف شكرى وامتنانى لكم دكتور

متعكم الله بالصحة والعافية وبارك فى عطائكم المتواصل

جزاك الله خيرا على هذا الكتاب القيم

وانا بدوري ادعو المولى عز وجل ان يجعلك ممن يظلهم الله في ظله في يوم لا ظل الا ظله
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