Ultrananocrystalline Diamond: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications


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Ultrananocrystalline Diamond: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications by Olga A. Shenderova
Publisher: William Andrew (January 14, 2007) | ISBN: 0815515243 | Pages: 620 | PDF | 8.6 MB

Ultrananocrystalline Diamond: Syntheses, Properties, and Applications is a unique practical reference handbook that brings together the basic science of nanoscale carbon structures, particularly its diamond phase, with detailed information on nanodiamond synthesis, properties, and applications. Here you will learn about UNCD in its two forms, as a dispersed powder made by detonation techniques and as a chemical vapor deposited film. You will also learn about the superior mechanical, tribological, transport, electrochemical, and electron emission properties of UNCD for a wide range of applications including MEMS, NEMS, surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices, electrochemical sensors, coatings for field emission arrays, photonic and RF switching, biosensors, and neural prostheses, and more.



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