Inequalities and Applications


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Inequalities and Applications
Publisher: Birkhäuser Basel | ISBN: 3764387726 | edition 2008 | PDF | 315 pages | 3,2 mb

Inequalities continue to play an essential role in mathematics. Perhaps, they form the last field comprehended and used by mathematicians in all areas of the discipline. Since the seminal work Inequalities (1934) by Hardy, Littlewood and Pólya, mathematicians have laboured to extend and sharpen their classical inequalities. New inequalities are discovered every year, some for their intrinsic interest whilst others flow from results obtained in various branches of mathematics. The study of inequalities reflects the many and various aspects of mathematics. On one hand, there is the systematic search for the basic principles and the study of inequalities for their own sake. On the other hand, the subject is the source of ingenious ideas and methods that give rise to seemingly elementary but nevertheless serious and challenging problems. There are numerous applications in a wide variety of fields, from mathematical physics to biology and economics.


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شكرا ً جزيلاً أخي الحبيب وبارك الله لنا فيكم وجعلكم سراجاً لأهل العلم .
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