Leila White, "From Start to Finnish: A Short Course in Finnish"
Finn Lectura | 2003 | ISBN: 9517921055 | 213 pages | Djvu | 3,5 MB
White's course expects no previous acquaintance with Finnish. She begins with a helpful list of things the speaker of English will find challenging (lots of endings, no articles). Grammar begins with the simplest of verb conjugation and noun declension, and even before that she tries to introduce individual phrases the student will find helpful in Finland (The text "Closed" on shop signs, for example). There's not much discussion of pronunciation, though she may assume that the reader has access to a Finnish speaker. White is clearly writing for the new immigrant to Finland as opposed to a linguaphile living in his home country. She gives a great number of slang terms one will encounter on the street, introduces Finnish customs (and tendencies to drink and carouse) with great humour, and explains the considerable differences between the written language and actual spoken Finnish.