Spanish in Your Face!: The Only Book to Match 1,001 Smiles, Frowns, Laugh, and Gestures so You Learn

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Spanish in Your Face!: The Only Book to Match 1,001 Smiles, Frowns, Laugh, and Gestures so You Learn to Live the Language

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Contemporary | 2007 | ISBN: 0071432973 | Pages: 160 | PDF | 12,08 MB

A face is worth 1,001 Spanish words

Is this man calmado or ansioso? Relajado or estresado? You can easily see by the look on his face that he is stressed out: ansioso and estresado. Using the stories that our faces, appearance, and gestures tell, Spanish in Your Face helps you learn and remember essential Spanish vocabulary and everyday expressions relating to personality, attitudes, moods, and emotions.

This hugely entertaining book is packed with illustrations that will tickle your funny bone and fine-tune your ability to communicate, face-to-face, in Spanish.

بوركت يمناك زهرتنا الرائعه
على ما يبدو لي انك ترغبين تعلم الاسبانيه
وفقك الله لما فيه خير صلاح للامه

بوركت يمناك زهرتنا الرائعه

على ما يبدو لي انك ترغبين تعلم الاسبانيه
وفقك الله لما فيه خير صلاح للامه


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