Patrick Jackson - Learning Like Crazy Spoken Spanish (Full Course)

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Patrick Jackson - Learning Like Crazy Spoken Spanish (Full Course)
(Book with Audio)

Book: PDF
Audio: MP3 | 128kbps | 44.1 Khz | 2 Channel
Language: English + Spanish | Publisher: Learning Like Crazy (2004) | 933 MB
Genre: e-Learning | Language (Spanish)

Would you like to learn conversational Spanish spoken in Latin America? Then this is for you. This audio course entirely in English and is somewhat similar to the method of Michel Thomas, as is the dialogue, men, women, and an instructor who guides them.
For example:
Instructor : Now Say "She does not Speak."
Male : No Habla. Ella no habla.
Instructor : Now Say "You do not Speak" in the formal or polite way.
Female : No Habla. Usted no habla.
Instructor : Do you Remember How to Say "We Speak"?
Male : Hablamos. Nosotros hablamos.
This course includes two levels, each with 30 lessons. Also included pourochnye texts and dialogues fomate pdf. A few bonus lessons and 2 lessons of slang. Voiced by native speakers quickly learn everyday conversational Latin American Spanish, that not a few important people who are interested in this option, namely Spanish.

Here are a few reviews about this course c Amazon :
1. This course uses a teaching Method That Makes IT Possible for the Student to really Get a true Latin American Spanish accent
2. After Finishing Both levels of this course, I Felt Confident in speaking AND
comprehending Not Only When Native Spanish speakers Were speaking to Me
but also when they are speaking to each other.
3. AS a Native Spanish speaker, I CAN Say That this course comes closer Than Other courses in teaching Latin American Spanish That is for everyday conversation , and teaching the Spanish That Latin Americans Actually Speak.
4. There's enough vocabulary to Choke a mule - and That's Good thing.
5. Every verb is Fully conjugated in each Lesson , SO you Recognize the Patterns and start "absorbing" Them faster ... But IT's done in a conversational style SO you barely Realize "hey, I'm conjugating a verb" and you Don 't get grossed out by the fact that you're learning grammar.
6. Brief explanations Are Given on Things That Are Complicated or irregular SO you Understand Why Are you Doing What You're Doing, INSTEAD of Learning by rote. (Adult learners need to understand why, trust me.)
7. Best of all, IT Is not boring . There are plenty of reasons to pay attention when attempting to learn a language, but it's easier to say than to do with some courses. LSLC makes it easy to pay attention because there's always something going on.
8. Lessons Are Laid out logically , with Specific Groups of related words in each Lesson SO you CAN Absorb Them all.

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