

مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة

Elliott H. Lieb, Michael Loss, Mary B. Ruskai, "Inequalities"
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 3540430210 | edition 2002 | PDF | 712 pages | 12.8 mb

Inequalities play a fundamental role in Functional Analysis and it is widely recognized that finding them, especially sharp estimates, is an art. E. Lieb has discovered a host of inequalities that are enormeously useful in mathematics as well as in physics. His results are collected in this book which should become a standard source for further research. Together with the mathematical proofs the author also presents numerous applications to the calculus of variations and to many problems of quantum physics, in particular to atomic physics.


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أشكرك على الوقت الذي تبذله في نقش وحفر أهم الموضوعات
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أشكرك أخي الحبيب وبارك الله لنا فيك وجعل أوقاتك وماتبذله فيها عملاً متقبلاً
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