Teach Yourself Malay : Teach Yourself Complete Courses


مشرف بالجامعة / درّة كتاب العرب
طاقم الإدارة

Christopher Byrnes, Tam Lye Suan, "Teach Yourself Malay (Teach Yourself Complete Courses)"
Teach Yourself Books | ISBN: 0340907533 | January 27, 2006 | 320 pages | PDF | 29.5 MB

Malay is spoken in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and parts of Thailand. "Teach Yourself Malay" is a self-access course for the independent adult learner of Malay as a foreign language. Lively dialogues (recorded by Malay speakers on the accompanying double CD) in authentic Malay introduce the language, which is then explained in simple English, as it is not assumed that the student has learned a foreign language before. Exercises - written, audio, and pictorial - are used to reinforce learning. At the end of the book there are a 'taking it further' section, a key to the exercises and Malay-English and English-Malay vocabulary lists. The accompanying double CD (0340 907541) is available separately or in a pack (0340 90755x) with the book.




عمل رائع وجهود أروع
طبعا ً فهي بصمات درتنا الفريدة
أثابك الله الأجر المضاعف اضعافا ً
عمل رائع وجهود أروع
طبعا ً فهي بصمات درتنا الفريدة
أثابك الله الأجر المضاعف اضعافا ً
بوركت زهرتنا الرائعه
أشكرك على تواجدك وردك الأروع
