Bulk Rename Utility
نبذه عن البرنامج
البرنامج ببساطه
يقوم بأعادة تسمية الملفات و المجلدات بطريقه سريعه
باللغه الانجليزيه
Bulk Rename Utility allows you to easily rename multiple files and directories, based upon flexible criteria. For example, if you have a whole load of files prefixed with "2005", you can quickly rename all these to "2006". Similarly, if you have lots of "html" files then you can quickly rename them all to "htm" or other. In addition, you can also add incrementing numbers to the file name, add a suffix or prefix, change case, replace characters and more.
حجم البرنامج
605 kb
رقم الاصدار
بيئة العمل
Win (All)
البرنامج مجانى
فى رعاية الله