كتاب 2010 : Nanoparticles: From Theory to Application-2 edition


اللؤلؤ المنثور

Nanoparticles: From Theory to Application
2 edition (October 26, 2010) | ISBN: 3527325891 | 538 pages | PDF | 12 MB

"Günter Schmid, the Editor of Nanoparticles, is successful in securing the participation of prominent leading experts; he also excels in integrating the chapters in such a way that there is no disjointedness between the different topics which is a great advantage for the reader."
—Dr. Andrey L. Rogach, ChemPhysChem

",,,this book is useful for chemists interested in novel methods of wet-chemical nanoparticle synthesis but also for anyone looking for an introduction into the understanding of the electrical, optical and magnetic properties of nanoparticles."

سلمت يمناك ايها اللؤلؤ المنثور..
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الاخ zidan المحترم
السلام عليكم
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ووجدت انك قد رفعته بالسابق.. عسى ان يكون متوفر لديك

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