Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook (Grammar Workbooks)

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Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook (Grammar Workbooks)
By Andrew Sangpil Byon


•Publisher: Routledge
•Number Of Pages: 288
•Publication Date: 2009-08-10
•ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415547148
•ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415547147

Product Description:

Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook comprises an accessible reference grammar and related exercises in a single volume.

This workbook presents twenty-four individual grammar points, covering the core material which students would expect to encounter in their second year of learning Korean. Grammar points are followed by examples and exercises which allow students to reinforce and consolidate their learning.

Intermediate Korean is suitable for both class use as well as independent study.

Key features include:
clear, accessible format
many useful language examples
all Korean entries presented in Hangul with English translations
jargon-free explanations of grammar
abundant exercises with full answer key

subject index.
Clearly presented and user-friendly, Intermediate Korean provides readers with the essential tools to express themselves in a wide variety of situations, making it an ideal grammar reference and practice resource for students with some knowledge of the language.
Andrew Sangpil Byon is Associate Professor at the State University of New York at Albany, where he teaches courses in Korean language and civilization.

Summary: Great intro to korean grammar

Rating: 5
Was at a dead end whilst learning Korean due to the complex and often contradictory grammar, but this book helped fix that. It walks you through the basic grammar, takes into account the multiple politeness levels and provides exercises that really help you to remember them. It's not a total beginner's guide, so you should have at least some understanding of the basic concepts of Korean grammar and particles, and this book will help you realize how to use them. I have one complaint though, the hangul text cannot be viewed any larger than default, and by default it is quite small and hard to read at a distance for a novice.

Summary: This book is INDISPENSABLE, period.

Rating: 5
You have to buy this book if you are learning Korean. It explains EVERYTHING you need to know about Korean grammar, and not only that, it does it in a simple way, and even has activities to practice with, including full answers, and plenty of examples, and lots of vocabulary words to improve or refresh your vocabulary skills with. While you should still use an overall language teaching book, like Intermediate College Korean or whatever for overall vocabulary, grammar and even cultural learning, this book has a very different approach which will speed up your Korean learning tenfold. Here is why: instead of gradually and continuously building on prior lessons, constantly adding complexity to what you are learning and requiring that you fully master the previous lessons, this book only treats EXACTLY the point of grammar being taught at the time, so it's extremely easy to understand what is being taught. You also improve or refresh your vocabulary because each chapter uses different vocabulary (including a list each chapter) as the raw stuff to construct the example sentences with. Then you have practice activities at the end of the chapter. In my case I found reading the example sentences enough after a few chapters, since my Korean level was already pretty good after finishing Intermediate College Korean, and I was super-impressed that I was able to read this whole book in just a few days and retain what I had learnt. Andrew Sangpil Byon has simplified Korean down to its simplest parts and separated each one, and done a separate section on each little part, making this the easiest route to intermediate proficiency (i.e. full mastery of grammar, but not necessarily yet of vocabulary) that I have ever seen. This is one book that I think will have to become THE book of Korean grammar. Get it!

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