Particle Accelerator Physics I: Basic Principles and Linear Beam Dynamics
Publisher: Springer | Pages: 469 | 1999-04-14 | ISBN 354064671X | DJVU | 3 MB
Particle Accelerator Physics I is designed to serve as an introduction to the field of high-energy particle accelerator physics and particle-beam dynamics. It covers the dynamics of relativistic particle beams, basics of particle guidance and focusing, lattice design, characteristics of beam transport systems and circular accelerators. Particle-beam optics is treated in the linear approximatin including sextupoles to correct for chromatic aberrations. Perturbations to linear beam dynamics are analysed in detail and correction measuresare being discussed. Basic lattice design features and building blocks leading to the design of more complicated beam transport systems and circular accelerators are studied. Characteristics of synchrotron radiation and quantum effects due to the statistical emission of photons on particle trajectories are derived and applied to determine particle-beam parameters.
Particle Accelerator Physics II: Nonlinear and Higher-Order Beam Dynamics
Springer | June 1995 | ISBN-10: 0387575642 | 480 pages | DJvu | 4 mb
This volume continues the discussion of particle accelerator physics beyond the introduction in Vol I. It is specially aimed at the graduate student and scientist planning to work or working in the field of accelerator physics. Basic principles of beam dynamics already discussed in Vol. I, are expanded into the nonlinear regime in order to tackle fundamental problems encountered in present day accelerator design and development. Nonlinear dynamics is discussed both for the transverse phase space to determine chromatic and geometric aberrations which limit the dynamic aperture as well as for the longitude phase space in connection with phase focusing at very small values of the momentum compaction. Whenever possible, effects derived theoretically are compared with observations made at existing accelerators.
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