German: The Complete Language Course (Learn in Your Car)

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German: The Complete Language Course (Learn in Your Car)

Publisher: Penton Overseas 2005-04-30 | ISBN: 1591254396 | Language: English | Audio CD in MP3 | 531 MB

Nine 60-minute CDs; full text listening guide; and a sturdy compact case especially for libraries. Level 1: Introduction to key words, numbers, phrases, sentence structure, and basic grammar. Level 2: More challenging vocabulary, more grammar, more complex sentences generate confidence in your ability to comprehend and converse. Level 3: Expanded vocabulary, advanced grammar and complex sentences to expand your conversational skills.

كتاب ممتع
وموضوع مقنع
من قلم مبدع
شكرا" لك زهرتنا الرائعه

كتاب ممتع
وموضوع مقنع
من قلم مبدع
شكرا" لك زهرتنا الرائعه


وبراعة من درتنا الغالي في نسج أجمل الردود وتخليف اعطر مرور
لك الشكر الجزيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــل