Ashampoo WinOptimizer Platinum Suite 3.20
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عن البرنامج باللغه الانجليزيه
Ashampoo WinOptimizer Platinum 3 (3.20, 05/15/2006)
For years, millions of users have depended on Ashampoo's award-winning WinOptimizer series to keep their Windows® installations clean and running smoothly and efficiently. As one user put it, "This package gives you all the maintenance tools that should have been included with Windows in the first place. And it's all so easy to use, you don't need a degree in rocket science to be able to understand it." Ashampoo's WinOptimizer series delivers professional-class Windows maintenance that anyone can use. It keeps your computer free of many kinds of garbage that can slow it down and makes it less responsive. And now you can also use it to defragment your hard disk and tweak Windows system settings that could previously only be accessed by very experienced users. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 3 Platinum is the best WinOptimizer we have ever produced. It includes four completely new modules and many, many improvements.
رقم الاصدار
حجم البرنامج
11.4 ميجا
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