Spoken Chinese 900, Book 2

winter rose

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Spoken Chinese 900, Book 2

Publisher: Joint Publishing Co. | 1985 | ISBN-10: 9620403819 | ISBN-13: 978-9620403811 | English/Chinese | PDF+MP3 | 414 pages | 197.82 Gb


“Audiocourses spoken Chinese language, also known as "Chinese - 900 phrases.
19 lessons contain more than 50 case situations presented by the materials, divided into 5 sections: 1) key phrases in Chinese (in characters and pinyin) and their translation into English, 2) lexical and grammatical explanations in English and Chinese languages, 3) Dialogues, 4) exercise 5) dictionary.

In the Appendix are given the keys to the exercises.
This course was first published in 1983, published by Shanghai Education Publishing House.
Edition 1985 contains small editorial changes made by Joint Publishing Co. (HK).”

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