Theses Collection: Multidiscipline Nano-Fields from University of Groningen
Theses Collection: Multidiscipline Nano-Fields from University of Groningen
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Sintering characteristics of nano-ceramic coatings
Nano-sized precipitated formations in irradiated NaCl
Discrete dislocation modelling of Nano- and Micro-indentation
Femtosecond vibrational dynamics in water nano-droplets
Functionality and dynamics of deposited metal nanoclusters
Nanocomposite coatings. Processing, structure and tribological performance
High frequency relaxation kinetics in metal and high-Tc superconductor nanocontacts
Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline materials for high frequency applications
Surface engineering: Amorphous Alloys and Nanocrystallinity
A nanoLC-MS-based platform for peptide analysis
Electron Holography of Nanoparticles
Nanorheology of strongly confined molecular fluids : a compter simulation study
PS-b-P4VP(PDP) comb-shaped supramolecules: nanorods and thin films for nanotemplating
Nanoscale architecture. The role of proteins in diatom silicon biomineralization
Nanostructure and soft magnetic properties of iron-nitrogen alloys
Modelling of optical response properties : application to nanostructures
Motors for use in molecular nanotechnology
Electron spin transport in graphene and carbon nanotubes
G(inlove)D LUCK
Nano-sized precipitated formations in irradiated NaCl
Discrete dislocation modelling of Nano- and Micro-indentation
Femtosecond vibrational dynamics in water nano-droplets
Functionality and dynamics of deposited metal nanoclusters
Nanocomposite coatings. Processing, structure and tribological performance
High frequency relaxation kinetics in metal and high-Tc superconductor nanocontacts
Magnetic properties of nanocrystalline materials for high frequency applications
Surface engineering: Amorphous Alloys and Nanocrystallinity
A nanoLC-MS-based platform for peptide analysis
Electron Holography of Nanoparticles
Nanorheology of strongly confined molecular fluids : a compter simulation study
PS-b-P4VP(PDP) comb-shaped supramolecules: nanorods and thin films for nanotemplating
Nanoscale architecture. The role of proteins in diatom silicon biomineralization
Nanostructure and soft magnetic properties of iron-nitrogen alloys
Modelling of optical response properties : application to nanostructures
Motors for use in molecular nanotechnology
Electron spin transport in graphene and carbon nanotubes
G(inlove)D LUCK