الجبر Real Algebraic Geometry

winter rose

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طاقم الإدارة
Real Algebraic Geometry

Springer; 1 edition | September 18, 1998 | ISBN-10: 3540646639 | 430 pages | DJVU | 5.8 Mb
This book is a systematic treatment of real algebraic geometry, a subject that has strong interrelation with other areas of mathematics: singularity theory, differential topology, quadratic forms, commutative algebra, model theory, complexity theory etc. The careful and clearly written account covers both basic concepts and up-to-date research topics. It may be used as text for a graduate course. The present edition is a substantially revised and expanded English version of the book "G‚ometrie alg‚brique r‚elle" originally published in French, in 1987, as Volume 12 of ERGEBNISSE. Since the publication of the French version the theory has made advances in several directions. Many of these are included in this English version. Thus the English book may be regarded as a completely new treatment of the subject.

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winter rose

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