XP Syspad
البرنامج يمكنك من الوصول
الى جميع البرامج ومجلدات النظام ولوحة التحكم
دون الدخول الى قوائم ويندوز
باللغه الانجليزيه
XP Syspad provides quick access to many Windows management features, as well as programs, system folders and more, without having to use the Control Panel or click through multiple menus to get there. It runs in the system tray, from where you can right-click to access common folders (and files inside them), the Start Menu and IE Favorites or left-click to invoke the small interface that lets you select from more than 100 categorized functions, including a small calculator and a clock display. The program does not introduce any new features, all of the functions are mostly shortcuts to standard Windows XP features, however it is much easier (and faster) to access them via XP Syspad.
صوره للبرنامج
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حجم البرنامج
795 kb
بيئة العمل
البرنامج مجانى
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