Español Podcast : Learn Spanish EASY way !
Notes in Spanish / podcast [2006-2010 / MP3, ESP / ENG]
Lesson 1
Basic greetings; asking how you are and giving a response.
Lesson 2
Greetings at different times of the day; saying goodbye; giving your name.
Lesson 3
Different forms of ‘you’; saying where you’re from; asking people where they’re from; countries; using
the word ‘also’.
Lesson 4
Saying ‘yes’ and ‘no’; saying where you live; using the words ‘but’ and ‘now’.
Lesson 5
Talking about your family; introducing people; giving other people’s names; pronunciation tips.
Lesson 6
Giving more information about your family; numbers 1-10; names.
Lesson 7
Talking about your job; saying where you work; saying whether you like your work or not.
Lesson 8
Talking about your likes and dislikes; talking about what you like doing.
Lesson 9
Review and practice of material covered in lessons 1-8.
Lesson 10
Christmas and New Year celebrations; giving gifts; songs.
Lesson 11
Dealing with language problems; saying you don’t understand; talking about which languages you speak.
Lesson 12
Counting from 11 upwards; days of the week; months and seasons of the year.
Lesson 13
Talking about places in the town; asking for directions.
Lesson 14
More help with talking about your town and asking for directions.
Lesson 15
Ordering drinks in a café.
Lesson 16
More café language.
Lesson 17
Ordering snacks and food in a restaurant.
Lesson 18
Dealing with other restaurant situations and dietary requirements/allergies.
Lesson 19
Review of language covered in lessons 11-18.
Lesson 20
Dialogue incorporating language from previous lessons.
Lesson 21
Talking about the weather (today and tomorrow).
Lesson 22
Checking into a hotel; describing the room you require.
Lesson 23
Dealing with problems in hotels.
Lesson 24
Campsite accommodation; alphabet in Spanish.
Lesson 25
Shopping language; currencies; paying for things.
Lesson 26
Shopping for gifts; shopping for food in a market.
Lesson 27
Changing money and other bank transactions.
Lesson 28
Parts of the body; aches and pains.
Lesson 29
Visiting a pharmacy; symptoms and remedies.
Lesson 30
Cultural special: football in Spain.
Lesson 31
Review episode covering lessons 1-30.
Lesson 32
Arriving at the airport and getting to the hotel.
Lesson 33
Arriving at the hotel and solving reservation problems.
Lesson 34
Ordering breakfast in the hotel and making conversation with other tourists.
Lesson 35
Tourist information office; talking about what there is in the town.
Lesson 36
Shopping for postcards and shoes.
Lesson 37
Asking for information in the hotel; public transport.
Lesson 38
At the pharmacy; explaining what is wrong.
Lesson 39
Conversation with a Spanish girl.
Lesson 40
Talking about languages and language-learning.
Lesson 41
Talking about what you do at the weekend; present tense.
Lesson 42
Daily routine; talking about what time you do things.
Lesson 43
Daily routine; time; reflexive verbs.
Lesson 44
Making arrangements; regular verbs; irregular verbs ir and hacer.
Lesson 45
More on making arrangements; ‘going out’ phrases; irregular verbs salir and dar.
Lesson 46
Introducing ser and estar, two verbs which mean ‘to be’.
Lesson 47
Radical changing verbs.
Lesson 48
Adjectives and their agreements.
Lesson 49
More on adjectives and physical descriptions.
Lesson 50
Identity quiz; review of descriptions.
Lesson 51
Talking about the future; using the immediate future ir a + infinitive; New Year Resolutions.
Lesson 52
Review of present tense of -ar, -er and -ir verbs; radical changing verbs; reflexive verbs.
Lesson 53
Talking about the past; time phrases associated with the preterite; preterite tense or -ar verbs.
Lesson 54
Talking about the past; the preterite tense of -er and -ir verbs.
Lesson 55
Preterite tense of some irregular verbs: hacer, ir, ver and dar; indirect object pronouns.
Lesson 56
Reflexive verbs and radical changing verbs in the preterite.
Lesson 57
Identity quiz and more verbs in the preterite.
Lesson 58
Talking more about the past; using the imperfect tense; combining the preterite with the imperfect;
forming the imperfect of -ar verbs.
Lesson 59
The imperfect tense of -er and -ir verbs; irregular verbs in the imperfect: ir, ver and ser.
Lesson 60
Test on all the grammar of lessons 41-60.
Lesson 61
Birthdays; introducing por and para (two words meaning ‘for’).
Lesson 62
More on para; birthday vocabulary.
Lesson 63
More on por.
Lesson 64
Introducing the perfect tense.
Lesson 65
Key phrases which trigger the perfect tense; using the word ya.
Lesson 66
More on the perfect tense.
Lesson 67
Using public transport.
Lesson 68
Using taxis.
Lesson 69
Hiring a car; practice of the double ‘r’ sound.
Lesson 70
Making telephone calls in Spanish.
Lesson 71
Talking about where you come from.
Lesson 72
Talking about the weather using different tenses.
Lesson 73
Talking about birthdays using the future tense; formation of the future tense.
Lesson 74
Ordering food and drink in a café. Introducing the conditional tense.
Lesson 75
Talking about pastimes; the imperative (command form).
Lesson 76
Writing a letter; talking about different parts of Spain.
Lesson 77
The Canary Islands; review of past tenses.
Lesson 78
Introduction to the present subjunctive – formation and use.
Lesson 79
Asking for directions; imperative; the subjunctive.
Lesson 80
Final lesson: saying goodbye; review of various tenses and grammar points.
Notes in Spanish / podcast [2006-2010 / MP3, ESP / ENG]
Lesson 1
Basic greetings; asking how you are and giving a response.
Lesson 2
Greetings at different times of the day; saying goodbye; giving your name.
Lesson 3
Different forms of ‘you’; saying where you’re from; asking people where they’re from; countries; using
the word ‘also’.
Lesson 4
Saying ‘yes’ and ‘no’; saying where you live; using the words ‘but’ and ‘now’.
Lesson 5
Talking about your family; introducing people; giving other people’s names; pronunciation tips.
Lesson 6
Giving more information about your family; numbers 1-10; names.
Lesson 7
Talking about your job; saying where you work; saying whether you like your work or not.
Lesson 8
Talking about your likes and dislikes; talking about what you like doing.
Lesson 9
Review and practice of material covered in lessons 1-8.
Lesson 10
Christmas and New Year celebrations; giving gifts; songs.
Lesson 11
Dealing with language problems; saying you don’t understand; talking about which languages you speak.
Lesson 12
Counting from 11 upwards; days of the week; months and seasons of the year.
Lesson 13
Talking about places in the town; asking for directions.
Lesson 14
More help with talking about your town and asking for directions.
Lesson 15
Ordering drinks in a café.
Lesson 16
More café language.
Lesson 17
Ordering snacks and food in a restaurant.
Lesson 18
Dealing with other restaurant situations and dietary requirements/allergies.
Lesson 19
Review of language covered in lessons 11-18.
Lesson 20
Dialogue incorporating language from previous lessons.
Lesson 21
Talking about the weather (today and tomorrow).
Lesson 22
Checking into a hotel; describing the room you require.
Lesson 23
Dealing with problems in hotels.
Lesson 24
Campsite accommodation; alphabet in Spanish.
Lesson 25
Shopping language; currencies; paying for things.
Lesson 26
Shopping for gifts; shopping for food in a market.
Lesson 27
Changing money and other bank transactions.
Lesson 28
Parts of the body; aches and pains.
Lesson 29
Visiting a pharmacy; symptoms and remedies.
Lesson 30
Cultural special: football in Spain.
Lesson 31
Review episode covering lessons 1-30.
Lesson 32
Arriving at the airport and getting to the hotel.
Lesson 33
Arriving at the hotel and solving reservation problems.
Lesson 34
Ordering breakfast in the hotel and making conversation with other tourists.
Lesson 35
Tourist information office; talking about what there is in the town.
Lesson 36
Shopping for postcards and shoes.
Lesson 37
Asking for information in the hotel; public transport.
Lesson 38
At the pharmacy; explaining what is wrong.
Lesson 39
Conversation with a Spanish girl.
Lesson 40
Talking about languages and language-learning.
Lesson 41
Talking about what you do at the weekend; present tense.
Lesson 42
Daily routine; talking about what time you do things.
Lesson 43
Daily routine; time; reflexive verbs.
Lesson 44
Making arrangements; regular verbs; irregular verbs ir and hacer.
Lesson 45
More on making arrangements; ‘going out’ phrases; irregular verbs salir and dar.
Lesson 46
Introducing ser and estar, two verbs which mean ‘to be’.
Lesson 47
Radical changing verbs.
Lesson 48
Adjectives and their agreements.
Lesson 49
More on adjectives and physical descriptions.
Lesson 50
Identity quiz; review of descriptions.
Lesson 51
Talking about the future; using the immediate future ir a + infinitive; New Year Resolutions.
Lesson 52
Review of present tense of -ar, -er and -ir verbs; radical changing verbs; reflexive verbs.
Lesson 53
Talking about the past; time phrases associated with the preterite; preterite tense or -ar verbs.
Lesson 54
Talking about the past; the preterite tense of -er and -ir verbs.
Lesson 55
Preterite tense of some irregular verbs: hacer, ir, ver and dar; indirect object pronouns.
Lesson 56
Reflexive verbs and radical changing verbs in the preterite.
Lesson 57
Identity quiz and more verbs in the preterite.
Lesson 58
Talking more about the past; using the imperfect tense; combining the preterite with the imperfect;
forming the imperfect of -ar verbs.
Lesson 59
The imperfect tense of -er and -ir verbs; irregular verbs in the imperfect: ir, ver and ser.
Lesson 60
Test on all the grammar of lessons 41-60.
Lesson 61
Birthdays; introducing por and para (two words meaning ‘for’).
Lesson 62
More on para; birthday vocabulary.
Lesson 63
More on por.
Lesson 64
Introducing the perfect tense.
Lesson 65
Key phrases which trigger the perfect tense; using the word ya.
Lesson 66
More on the perfect tense.
Lesson 67
Using public transport.
Lesson 68
Using taxis.
Lesson 69
Hiring a car; practice of the double ‘r’ sound.
Lesson 70
Making telephone calls in Spanish.
Lesson 71
Talking about where you come from.
Lesson 72
Talking about the weather using different tenses.
Lesson 73
Talking about birthdays using the future tense; formation of the future tense.
Lesson 74
Ordering food and drink in a café. Introducing the conditional tense.
Lesson 75
Talking about pastimes; the imperative (command form).
Lesson 76
Writing a letter; talking about different parts of Spain.
Lesson 77
The Canary Islands; review of past tenses.
Lesson 78
Introduction to the present subjunctive – formation and use.
Lesson 79
Asking for directions; imperative; the subjunctive.
Lesson 80
Final lesson: saying goodbye; review of various tenses and grammar points.