Mathemagics: How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying


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Mathemagics: How to Look Like a Genius without Really Trying
Publisher: McGraw-Hill | 207 pages | 1 Dec 1998 | ISBN 0737300086 | PDF | 13 mb

Secrets of lightning calculation and how to perform mind-boggling mental feats.
Using proven techniques, this volume shows how to add, subtract, multiply and divide faster than is possible with a calculator or pencil and paper, and helps readers conquer their nervousness about math.

Amaze and mystify your friends! Benjamin has performed his "art of rapid mental calculation" for audiences of all ages and levels of mathematical sophistication, and now he reveals his secrets to you. Actually, most of these calculation and memorization techniques are fairly commonly known, but Benjamin explains how to perform them to great effect. He uses simple algebraic proofs to show how the tricks work and often adds an anecdote about how he "discovered" an interesting trick. This is a book to ignite mathematical confidence and curiosity. A word of warning, though: despite the subtitle, it will take some dedicated practice to master these tricks.

