كيمياء تحليلية السلام عليكم


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نرجو ايجاد اي من هذه الكتب ولكم جزيل الشكر
analytical chemistry (dived harves)
methodes of water analysis
water chemistry
desalination of water
atomic adsorption and its application in water analysis
environmetal analysis
electrochemial analysis
current _voltage relationships during an electrolysis
an introduction to coulometric methods of analysis
potentiostatic coulometry
coulomteric titration (amperostatic coulometry)
coulomteric instrumentation
excitation signals in voltametry
voltametric instrumentation
hydrodynamic voltametry
cyclic voltametry
stripping polarographic methods
voltametry with ultramicroelectrodes
clinical pharmaceutical biochemical spectro
measurment of urine porophyrins and porphyrimogens
spectrophotometry as an effective tool for examining phenylalanine residues in protiens
quantitatives determination of total urinary porphyrins
determination of hemoglobins in whale blood
quantitatiives determination of theobronine and sodium salicylate mixture
measurments for the quantitatives analysis of vitamin mixtures
determination of benzodiazepins by derivatives spectroscopy
spectrophotmetric determination of trace fluoride in organic compaunds