Thesis: Applications of multiwall carbon nanotube composites: mechanical, electrical and thermal pro


مشرف بالجامعة - فهــد الرافدين
طاقم الإدارة
Applications of multiwall carbon nanotube composites: mechanical, electrical and thermal properties

الصورة لتجميل الموضوع فقط وليس لها علاقة بالاطروحة المعروضة
Carbon nanotubes have now been a subject of intense research for approaching two decades. Although a short time relative to most conventional materials, much hype about the intrinsic properties of this material has now been substantiated by experiment. The results are conclusive that carbon nanotubes are truly phenomenal materials with highly desirable mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. Furthermore, multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) have emerged as the most economically viable and abundant form of carbon nanotubes, and therefore the most likely candidate for application. The key materials engineering challenge remains in effectively transferring their properties to macro-scale materials in the form of composites. It is here that research merges with application

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